Gramercy Homeowners' Association (GHOA) manages the common areas of the Gramercy community. These include trails, driveways, sidewalks, landscapes, lawns, pool, clubhouses, gyms, and gardens. GHOA dues are $165 payable monthly to: 

GHOA · 3615 pioneer Drive · Bartlesville, OK 74006 · 918-333-3500

The current president of GHOA is Brent Taylor. 

Meetings are held annually at the North Clubhouse meeting room on the 2nd Tuesday of January at 7:00 pm.

$165.00 dues are applied as follows:

  • Water, sewer, trash-----$50

  • Insurance-buildings-----$40

  • Lawn, grounds, facilities-----$40

  • Management fee-----$25

  • Bookkeeping/administrative fee-----$10

Insurance requirements: A portion of your dues provides for common elements insurance as described in the covenants. “The Association shall obtain and maintain insurance…with respect to any buildings, common elements, and limited common elements for the full insurable cost.” This means essentially that shared elements such as the 1st floor Clubhouse at 2019, gym, pool, grounds, as well as other common elements such as exteriors, yards lights, fence, irrigation, etc.

Insurance breakdown summary

Homeowner Association: common utilities, clubhouse and pool, exterior brick/stone/stucco, shingles, exterior paint, drives, patios, sidewalks, fences, swings, hammocks, exterior lights.

Unit Owners: Interior walls and paint, Plumbing fixtures and mechanical systems, cabinets, moldings, stairs, flooring, interior lights, kitchen appliances, hot water appliances, furnaces, air conditioners, countertops, tile, hardwood floors, carpet, door hardware, cabinet hardware, bathroom hardware.

This list is not meant to be fully descriptive. Refer to covenants for complete language regarding insurance requirements. Dues currently include $40 monthly for insurance. Individual unit owners will need to obtain unit owner coverage on their specific unit(s) for the interior and other stipulated items per the covenants.

Your unit owner policy typically includes the following: personal property, loss of use, liability, and building property (interior).